“I couldn’t believe that as a homeowner I received free insulation measures from Warm Thuis Zwolle.”
Mr Marsman lives in Zwolle South. In an owner-occupied home from 1989, located in a quiet neighborhood with lots of greenery. All windows downstairs are double glazed. Not on the top floor, there is only single glazing. That was normal at that time. But this means a lot of heat is lost. And with the high energy prices that is not possible.
When Mr. Marsman heard about the free insulation measures from Warm Thuis Zwolle, he found it difficult to believe that he, as a homeowner with a minimum income, could qualify for them. He contacted us and learned from Warm Thuis that he met all the conditions for free help.
Mr Marsman filled in his details and then the municipal construction employee came to visit together with the contractor Van Wijnen. After touring his house, they told him that Warm Thuis could replace the single glazing on the top floor with new double glazing (HR++). Completely free, the glass and its installation.
The new windows have now been installed, everything has been sealed and the slats around the glass have been painted. How does Mr. Marsman look back on this? “I’m very happy with it. I’m curious to see what savings it will bring me. I am very satisfied with how everything went. Warm Thuis took me through the process well and made clear agreements. You will have a lot of people over on the first day of work. You have to take that into account.”
What does Mr. Marsman want to tell other homeowners with a low income?
“Contact Warm Thuis Zwolle. You will quickly find out whether you qualify. And they advise on measures that will really benefit you. That will really make a difference in energy costs. So I say do it!”